The work and possibility to practice at the law office of URBAN & PARTNERS have
addressed me for the reason to obtain valuable experiences in various aspects of law to enter the legal world with the “right foot”.
Work at the position of a law clerk consists primarily of the gaining of experiences, knowledge, and advices from senior colleagues, in respect of which I show respect for their professionalism and willingness to share their valuable know-how.
As a student at work, I participate in the preparation of legal submissions, which includes the study of laws and pertaining practice of the courts.
I speak fluently English and German on a general level.
From the age of 4 years up to the beginning of my study at the Law Faculty, I played
professionally hockey, so sports belong among my free leisure activities.

The achieved education and acquired qualifications:
Law Faculty, Univerzita Komenského in Bratislava, Bc. (Law)